Archives for June 2017
Modern Chinese Dictionary - 汉语词典
The first authoritative Xinhua Chinese dictionary, 20,000 Chinese characters included with idiom words, the content is more comprehensive and more authoritative. The current font content is detailed, no advertising, support offline, typography the most beautiful Chinese dictionary on hand.
Features: a collection of more than 60,000 Chinese vocabulary, more than 20,000 Chinese characters, more than 50,000 idioms and more than 200 classic idiom stories in one, is Andrews system on the best Chinese learning software.
Innovation: integrated multiple dictionaries, beautiful interface, simple operation, the dictionary can be interrelated.
Modern Chinese Dictionary (6th Edition) is written according to the instructions of the State Council, is the first authoritative and standardized modern Chinese dictionary, popular reading, national education essential tool. "Modern Chinese Dictionary" is the best on the Android, the fastest query, the most comprehensive, the most operational experience of the modern Chinese dictionary, a comprehensive collection of the latest version of the Xinhua dictionary, Chinese dictionary, idiom dictionary, idiom story. Fast, accurate, detailed, complete, meticulous, in-depth, is the most important feature of this dictionary.The software collects all Chinese national standard Chinese characters, collects complete Chinese characters, authority, science, professional, is an excellent learning tool assistant.
Software features:
1. Built-in authoritative Xinhua dictionary
2. Built-in authoritative idiom dictionary
3. Built-in authoritative modern Chinese dictionary version 6
4. Built-in Chinese idiom story
5, full support for high-definition screen, including QHD screen and android Pad, support Resolution as
keywords: Chinese dictionary, Chinese, grammar, dictionary, dictionary, dictionary, english, idiom, story, idiom story, Xinhua dictionary, Chinese
Innovation: integrated multiple dictionaries, beautiful interface, simple operation, the dictionary can be interrelated.
Modern Chinese Dictionary (6th Edition) is written according to the instructions of the State Council, is the first authoritative and standardized modern Chinese dictionary, popular reading, national education essential tool. "Modern Chinese Dictionary" is the best on the Android, the fastest query, the most comprehensive, the most operational experience of the modern Chinese dictionary, a comprehensive collection of the latest version of the Xinhua dictionary, Chinese dictionary, idiom dictionary, idiom story. Fast, accurate, detailed, complete, meticulous, in-depth, is the most important feature of this dictionary.The software collects all Chinese national standard Chinese characters, collects complete Chinese characters, authority, science, professional, is an excellent learning tool assistant.
Software features:
1. Built-in authoritative Xinhua dictionary
2. Built-in authoritative idiom dictionary
3. Built-in authoritative modern Chinese dictionary version 6
4. Built-in Chinese idiom story
5, full support for high-definition screen, including QHD screen and android Pad, support Resolution as
keywords: Chinese dictionary, Chinese, grammar, dictionary, dictionary, dictionary, english, idiom, story, idiom story, Xinhua dictionary, Chinese
特点: 汇集了6万多个中文词汇,2万多个中文汉字,5万多个成语词库以及二百多个经典成语故事于一体,是安卓系统上最棒的中文学习软件。
创新: 综合多个词典,界面美观,操作简单,词典之间能相互关联。
现代汉语词典(第6版)根据国务院指示编写,是新中国第一部权威、规范的现代汉语词典,大众阅读、国民教育的必备工具书。 《现代汉语词典》是Android上最好、查询速度最快、最全面、最具操作体验的现代汉语词典,全面收集了最新版本的新华字典,汉语词典,成语词典,成语故事。快速,准确、详尽、齐全、细致、深入,是本词典的最大特点。 软件收集了中国所有的国标汉字,收集的汉字完整,权威,科学,专业,是一个优秀的学习工具助手。
5、全面支持高清屏幕,包括QHD屏以及android Pad,支持分辨率为
关键词: 汉语词典,汉语,语法,字典,词典,辞典,英语,成语,故事,成语故事,新华字典,中文
创新: 综合多个词典,界面美观,操作简单,词典之间能相互关联。
现代汉语词典(第6版)根据国务院指示编写,是新中国第一部权威、规范的现代汉语词典,大众阅读、国民教育的必备工具书。 《现代汉语词典》是Android上最好、查询速度最快、最全面、最具操作体验的现代汉语词典,全面收集了最新版本的新华字典,汉语词典,成语词典,成语故事。快速,准确、详尽、齐全、细致、深入,是本词典的最大特点。 软件收集了中国所有的国标汉字,收集的汉字完整,权威,科学,专业,是一个优秀的学习工具助手。
5、全面支持高清屏幕,包括QHD屏以及android Pad,支持分辨率为
关键词: 汉语词典,汉语,语法,字典,词典,辞典,英语,成语,故事,成语故事,新华字典,中文